
Artist Help

Unlock the full potential of your music career at ST Digital's Artist Help Page. Navigate fair compensation, engage directly with your audience, and discover diverse monetization channels. Harness the power of collaboration opportunities, and expert insights to propel your artistic journey.



On the Web browser

If you're using a web browser to visualize your artist's page, the Artist ID (alphanumeric characters) will be located between "artist/" and "?" :

On the Spotify app

On the Spotify app

You may find it by copying the artist's Spotify URI. The last alphanumeric characters of the URI represent your Artist ID. For example: spotify:artist:

Please note that you can also copy/paste the full Spotify URI on our system, it will automatically identify your Artist ID. “5lnhW14tZrH3kUMI4kvVy5”

On iTunes/Apple Music

On the web browser

On the web browser

The artist's Apple ID is located at the end of the URL

On the Apple Music app

On the Apple Music app

To find the Artist ID using the iTunes/Apple Music app, you must copy the link, which will generate the same URL as the web browser. Your Artist ID is the last characters of the link:

On YouTube

On the web browser

On the web browser

The artist's YouTube ID is located at the end of the artist channel’s URL (24 alphanumeric characters):

On the YouTube app

On the YouTube app

To find the Artist ID using the YouTube or YouTube Music app, you must copy the link of your channel, which will generate the same URL as the web browser, as shown bellow: